$.99 downloads will go to the cause. Share. Donate below.

Thoughts and prayers to the crews and those affected by the recent Clayton Fire... a year ago, we were returning home after an evacuation from the Rocky (or was it the Jerusalem) Fire. A month later, the Valley Fire happened... The song is available! Play it/buy it above. Also iTunes and Spotify. Soon, amazon, Googleplay, etc.

Please donate directly to the groups below. "We put you out. But, you're not done."


Middletown Relief Fund

Following the devastation and injury to several firefighters, Fire Family Foundation in partner with the California Credit Union League, established the Middletown Relief Fund to support both firefighters and fire victims. The tragedy has struck homeowners and businesses alike.

Hospice Services of Lake County

In addition to their on-going efforts to help with end-of-life care, Hospice Services opened their warehouse and facility to house several familes during and after the fire.
team lake county logo Team Lake County is proud to be partnered with distinguished Local, State and National organizations and governments, all working for the recovery of Lake County.


Thanks for visiting the Valley Fire Song site.

We plan to use the song to encourage visitors here to donate funds to help repair the lives of those affected by this horrific event.

We've created a Community Chorus to sing on "Valley Fire" - a song which I wrote only recently. Living in Berryessa Estates, we were thankfully spared the worst.

Calpine Visitor Center generously let us use their beautiful facility and its large meeting room in which to rehearse, record and video the local singers.

Rehearsal was Monday, June 6 and Recording on Tuesday, June 7.

Fortunately, we got a great group of volunteers with excellent voices and attitudes all working for the cause.
After a night of rehearsal and recording, the singers returned for even more precise vocal dramatizations and then, a couple of hours of "greenscreen" video shooting.

Thank you especially to Vera and Margaret (also one of our singers) from Calpine Visitor Center.

The rhythm music tracks had been pre-recorded at City of Light Recording Studio in Lakeport with some top local musicians. An amazing place. Thanks Keith.

The players are Rich Elliott on drums, Rich Reading on bass, and Tom Aiken on keyboard and Robert Battaile on acoustic guitars. RB adds Paul Stambaugh on harmonica; and plays guitar synth flute, editing SFX and sound design in the video.

We are hard at work editing the viral youtube music video that will direct viewers to donate to local organizations.

Thank you Lake County Sheriff's Department (dash cams); and Flying Monkey Photography (Ken Ringeisen) for letting us include their footage in the music video. Incredible scenes. Thanks Justin Weis trakworx.com for Mastering the song.

Thanks also to PUC Copy Center in Angwin for helping with the printing needs. And, Hardester's Markets in Middletown for refreshments and encouragement. Napa County Fairgrounds (Calistoga Evacuation Site) photos Viri Agapoff, Matt Nelson, Lety Castro. Addtl sound effects by Mike Koenig. Group photo is St. Helena Fire Dept.


SHEET MUSIC (or a semblance thereof)

Director's Plan - Arrangement for Six Vocal Groups

Press Release 5/15 about the Music Recording


Thanks Dan Taylor

Thank you Jennifer Gruenke

About the Songwriter-Producer, Robert Battaile

robertbplus.com| calexas.com



Contact: Robert Battaile robert@robertbplus.com